Saturday, September 30, 2017

Sliding glass Door Added Security with Stoplock

Sliding glass Door Added Security with Stoplock

Lockking Stoplock

The Stoplock is for use on Lockking Sliding Glass Door Lock and Window Lock.

The Stoplock for Sliding Glass Doors is designed to keep a burglar from tampering with the Security Lock from the outside.  

Most sliding doors have a security stop between the sliding door and the fixed glass door where they overlap so some kind of device can't be inserted between the doors and tamper with a security lock.

On older sliding glass doors this security stop may not be there or functional.

When a Pet Door Panel is installed in sliding glass door the manufacturers security stop is ineffective.

The Stoplock is an addition to Lockking Sliding Glass Door Lock to help any tampering.

-Stoplock fits on top of bar and can be removed

-To use slide it over the box channel and tighten knob

-Stoplock slides out of the way when not in use

Stoplock is included with each Lockking Sliding Glass Door Lock and Window Lock

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